Change log

0.13.0 (2024-09-12)

New features

  • Times Square now specifies a timeout for notebook executions with Noteburst. This provides better feedback for notebook executions that have hung, either when rendering new pages for users, for when doing a GitHub Check Run. Currently this timeout is set app-wide with the TS_DEFAULT_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT environment variable. The default timeout is 60 seconds. In the future we intend to add per-notebook timeout configuration.

  • Times Square enforces a timeout when polling for Noteburst results during a GitHub Check run. This prevents the Check Run from hanging indefinitely if the Noteburst service is unable to time out a notebook execution or fails for any reason. This timeout is configurable via the TS_CHECK_RUN_TIMEOUT environment variable. The default timeout is 600 seconds.

0.12.0 (2024-09-04)

New features

  • Improved feedback in GitHub Check Runs:

    • If a YAML file has bad syntax causing a parsing error, we now post the YAML error as a check run annotation — including the location of the error in the file.

    • If the notebook has incorrect Jinja templating in its Markdown cells, we now post a check run annotation with the error message and cell number.

Other changes

  • Adopt uv and tox-uv for pinning and installing dependencies

  • Pin the tox dependencies with a requirements/tox.[in|txt] file

  • Adapt configuration for tox-docker version 5’s randomized connection ports

  • Adopt ruff-shared.toml for common SQuaRE ruff configuration.

  • The GitHub Check Run service methods are now part of a new GitHubCheckRunService class, separate from the GitHubRepoService. This internal change helps clarify what functionality is needed for the GitHub Checks functionality, as opposed to syncing data with GitHub repositories.

0.11.0 (2024-03-27)

New features

  • New support for background recomputation of a page instance (cached HTML) with the new DELETE /v1/pages/:page/html?{params} endpoint. This endpoint triggers a Noteburst computation of the page instance and deletes the currently-cached HTML once that computation is complete. This API provides a way for users to request a recomputation of a page instance without affecting other users that may be viewing that page instance.

  • A new server-sent events endpoint for getting updates on the status of a page instance’s computation and HTML rendering: GET /v1/pages/:page/html/events?{params}. This endpoint should replace the current practice of clients polling the GET /v1/pages/:page/htmlstatus endpoint to determine when a page instance’s HTML is ready to be displayed. The events endpoint also provides additional metadata, such as the time when the current computation job was queued so that clients can provide more detailed status information to users. This endpoint works well with the new DELETE /v1/pages/:page/html?{params} endpoint, as it can provide updates on the status of the recomputation job while still linking to the existing cached HTML.

0.10.0 (2024-03-13)

New features

  • We’ve adopted Safir’s safir.fastapi.ClientRequestError so that errors like 404 and 422 (input validation) now use the same error format as FastAPI uses for its built-in model validation errors. For parameter errors from endpoints like GET /v1/pages:page/html the parameter name is now part of the loc field in the error message.

  • Times Square and its worker now send uncaught exceptions to a Slack webhook for better error reporting. The webhook URL is set in the TS_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable.

Other changes

  • Updated to Python 3.12

  • Updated to Pydantic 2

  • Adopted Ruff for linting and formatting, replacing black, flake8, and isort.

  • Switch to using Annotated for Pydantic models and FastAPI path functions.

0.9.2 (2023-09-21)

Bug fixes

  • Fix how strings are rendered in the parameters cell of notebooks. Previously string parameters were missing Python quotes. Now parameters are passed to Jinja in their repr string forms to be proper Python code.

0.9.1 (2023-07-31)

Bug fixes

  • When a page is updated (e.g., from a GitHub pull request merge), the HTML renders for that page are cleared.

  • Fixed a bug where updating a page and executing it with defaults would result in two requests to Noteburst.

  • Deleting a page now deletes the page’s HTML renders.

0.9.0 (2023-07-27)

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • New treatment for templating in notebooks. Times Square no longer treats all cells as Jinja templates. Instead, the first cell is considered to be under the control of Times Square for setting variables. When a parameters are rendered into a notebook, the first code cell is replaced with new source that sets the parameter variables to their values. This means that notebook authors can now use that first cell to set and experiment with parameter values for interactive debugging, knowing that Times Square will replace that cell with new values when the notebook is rendered.

Bug fixes

  • Parameter names are now validated against Python keyword names using keyword.iskeyword(). This prevents parameter names from shadowing Python keywords.

0.8.0 (2023-07-27)

New features

  • Add a new TS_GITHUB_ORGS environment variable. This can be set to a comma-separated list of GitHub organizations that can install the Times Square GitHub App and sync notebooks into the Times Square service. This is a an important security feature if the Times Square GitHub App is set to public so that multiple GitHub organizations can sync repositories with Times Square. GitHub webhook handlers filter out events from non-accepted organizations. The GitHubRepoService also checks the ownership on initialization.

Other changes

  • Adopt scriv for managing the changelog.

  • Adopt ruff for linting, and update the codebase accordingly.

  • Adopt the new neophile workflow for managing dependencies.

  • Adopt the new lsst-sqre/build-and-push-to-ghcr GitHub Action for building and pushing Docker images.

  • Adopt the new FastAPI lifespan function for handling start-up and shutdown.

  • Create a Sphinx documentation site at

  • Add documentation for configuring the Times Square GitHub App, including a sample URL with the app settings built-in.

0.7.0 (2023-04-19)

New features

  • Adopt safir.redis.pydantic for Redis-backed storage.

  • Adopt safir.github creating the GitHub App client and modelling of GitHub resources with Pydantic.

Bug fixes

  • Fix handling of disabled pages so that they aren’t executed in a GitHub check, and are dropped if they previously existed in the database.

Other changes

  • Update to Python 3.11

0.6.0 (2022-08-18)

New features

  • Times Square now exposes information about pages created during GitHub PR check runs:

    • GET /times-square/api/v1/github-pr/:org/:repo/:sha provides metadata for a repository’s check run in general, such as the contents in the check run and the GitHub pull request or check run.

    • GET /times-square/api/v1/github-pr/:org/:repo/:sha/:path provides metadata about a specific notebook.

    Times Square check runs also link to the pull request preview pages published through Times Square’s interface in Squareone.

0.5.0 (2022-07-04)

New features

  • Times Square now implements two GitHub check runs for pull requests on notebook repositories:

    • The “YAML config” check validates the structure of YAML configuration files, specifically the times-square.yaml repository settings as well as the YAML sidecar files that describe each notebook.

    • The “Notebook execution” check actually runs notebooks (given their default parameters) with Noteburst, and ensures that they return without error.

    Together, these features will help contributors to Times Square notebook repositories ensure that their contributions work before they merge pull requests.

0.4.0 (2022-05-14)

New features

  • Times Square now supports sourcing Jupyter Notebooks from GitHub repositories, in addition to its original mode of API-sourced notebooks. To do this, Times Square acts as a GitHub App integration, and receives webhook events from GitHub. When the Times Square app is installed in a GitHub repository, or a push to the default branch is accomplished, Times Square syncs Jupyter Notebooks from that repository into its page store.

    Times Square-enabled GitHub repositories feature a times-square.yaml file that provides settings for the repository as a whole (such as switching the repository on or off) and setting the root path for notebooks. Each notebook (ipynb file) also has a corresponding YAML sidecar file that provides metadata for individual notebooks, including the title, description, tags, authors, and the parameter schemas.

  • To efficiently process webhook events, Times Square now operates an arq (Redis-backed) distributed queue.

  • New API endpoints:

    • GET /github/webhook receives webhook events from GitHub (this should not require Gafaelfawr auth since webhooks are internally authenticated)

    • GET /v1/github provides a hierarchical tree of GitHub-backed pages within their GitHub organization, repository, and directory contexts. This endpoint powers Squareone’s navigational view.

    • GET /v1/github/:path provides the same data as /v1/pages/:page, but uses the GitHub display path as the path argument. An example of a display is lsst-sqre/times-square-demo/matplotlib/gaussian2d.

    The GET /v1/github and GET /v1/pages/:page endpoints both include a new github field with metadata specific to GitHub-backed pages.

0.3.0 (2022-03-31)

New features

  • This release adds a new /v1/pages/:page/htmlstatus endpoint that provides information about the availability of HTML for a specific page instance (set of page parameters). The Times Square UI monitors this endpoint to determine if an HTML rendering is available and when to refresh the iframe element displaying the HTML rendering.

  • The htmlstatus endpoint includes a SHA256 hash of the HTML, which is now stored alongside the HTML in the Redis cache. This hash can be used to invalidate expired HTML renderings for pages with a finite time-to-live setting.

  • This release adds a new times-square reset-html command to the command line interface for clearing the Redis cache of HTML renderings (primarily useful during development).

0.2.0 (2022-03-15)

New features

  • Set up the /v1/ HTTP API, along with core services, domain models and storage for managing pages and interfacing with Noteburst for notebook execution.

0.2.0 (2022-03-15)

New features

  • Set up the /v1/ HTTP API, along with core services, domain models and storage for managing pages and interfacing with Noteburst for notebook execution.

0.1.0 (2021-11-17)

New features

  • Initial application set up.